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OOC Note: The following is a listing of all the Bastet racial gifts that Megan was born with the potential to learn, and then did so. It may seem like a lot, but she did reach the highest rank possible of her race at a very young age and was considered an Elder by the time she was twenty one. This was done through intense trial and error, as well as training from her jamak and from Bast herself.


All of these gifts are taken directly from White Wolf source books

"I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through."

Jules Verne

Homid (human) Form Gifts


Cats Claw (Level 1) Ability to unsheathe claws in human form.

Sweet Hunters Smile (Level 1) A charming look that wins the target over. Though a snarl or a stare will make the target feel uneasy, causing them to back away or run.

Jam Technology (Level 2) Causes technological devices to cease functioning.

Eavesdroppers Ears (Level 2) The ability to hear outside of normal human hearing range while in human form.

Craft of the Maker (Level 3) The Bastet can shape once living (but not undead) material into a variety of objects instantly. Trees become shelter, antlers become spears, animal hides become armor, flowers become perfume, etc. The item will resemble the material from which it was formed. Example, the spear will be made of antler, not wood and steel.

What's the Password (Level 4) By communing with the odd spirits inside computers, the Cat can call up passwords to files, accounts, or encryptions.

Monkey's Uncle (Level 4) The ability to assume any human form in seconds. Includes physical prowess, attractiveness, racial features, even gender and age. The ability lasts for two to four hours and can be detected by those with magical sight

Black Friday (Level 5) This allows the Bastet to crash computer systems in seconds by communing with Net Spiders.

Deny the Hungry (Level 5) With a gesture (in human form) or spray (in cat form), a spiteful werecat can destroy crops, fertile land, spoil food or toxify water. It is generally used to punish bad humans and others in need of punishment. The only way to undo it is by use of another Gift.


Feline Form Bastet Gifts


Kittens Cry (Level 1) Imbues a cats voice with a tone so pathetic that any that hear it will go out of their way way to comfort the feline. This compulsion also works in causing attackers to call off an attack. The Bastet consider it a dirty but sometimes useful trick.

Killers Leap (level 1) The ability to leap incredible distances and heights, such as leaping across a river, or completely over an opponent.

Mark As Mine (level 1) By spraying a given area with urine and or musk, a Bastet stakes a claim on it. Any shape shifter will know that a were-cat has marked it. Any other mystical being (Mage, Vampire etc) will recognize the sign as a keep out warning.

Perfect Cover (Level 2) Scratching around an item hides said item from physical and mystical sight, even if the item is not fully covered by another item, i.e. leaves, papers, etc. It also works to hide the Bastet from others if scratching around themselves.

Underbelly (Level 3) Allows the were-cat to size up a foe or obstacle to find it's weakest spot, and then be able to rip through that spot, usually with one swipe of the claws.

Whisker Sight (Level 3) By attuning to their surroundings, the were-cat can get a sense of their surroundings, even if it is behind them or invisible.

Ghosts At Play (Level 4) By spraying around an area, the were-cat can expose all nearby spirits, does not hurt the Umbra if used there.

Hand of Will (Level 4) By mentally willing things to move, the feline can lift and move objects and barriers by simply appearing to stare at them.

Judgment of Pestilence (Level 5) The mistress of cat-kind bequeaths this gift to her feline children in an attempt to channel and control disease. Communities that respect nature and the were-cats kinfolk will find pestilence banished from their homes and land. But those who exploit nature or hunt the great cats receive disease and pestilence in return.

Revolt of the Land (Level 5) Taught by an Avatar of Gaia, the feline calls to the spirits of the surrounding forest, desert, etc, to attack intruders. The terrain responds as best it can. Rocks roll and smash, vines trip, water sucks victims under, etc.

Bagheera Gifts (which the other cat 'tribes' cannot do)


Humbaba's Escape (Level 1) The ability to dislocate ones own limbs and slide through small openings. Example: Dislocate ribs and spine in order to climb through a tube, or dislocating the wrists to slip out of handcuffs, etc.

Tree Climber (Level 1) The ability to climb any vertical surface, from trees to concrete, by extending and sharpening the claws first.

Lawgivers Legacy (level 2) The ability to raise one's voice to drown out others without shouting. Also adds a note of command to one's words.

Ojas Surge (Level 2) By channeling 'Ojas', the mystical energy inside, a Bagheera can boost their physical and perceptual ability's beyond normal.

Cobras Dance (Level 2) Always the Bagheera to freeze prey with a glance, once the prey is stunned they can do as they wish to said prey. Leaving, talking, mauling, etc.

Travelers Tongue (Level 3) Ability to translate any language in the vacinity by invoking Rahjah the Maker. Everything turns to gibberish if Cahlash the Unmaker is invoked. Effects everyone in a 50 foot radius.

The Paradox of Time (Level 4) The Bagheera can see that time is not linear and that all times are one, viewed from a perspective that shifts. A skilled Bagheera can use this paradox to utterly confuse an enemy or enlighten a pilgrim bu showing them the relative nature of time. The Cat can offer a glimpse of a persons folly or baffle them for minutes on end.

Part the Curtain (Level 5) This gift not only allows the Bagheera to use and travel the Umbra, but allows them to bring others along for the trip.

Shiva's Might (Level 5) The most impressive feats of godlike destruction this side of a nuke. The Bagheera may change into a 6th form reminiscent of Shiva the Destroyer or Kali the Dark Mother, depending on the Cats gender. In a burst of light the Bagheera grows into 12 feet tall, 6 armed Crinos form, with each hand wielding a weapon of flame. The Bagheera will be in a total frenzy, everything in sight will be attacked, for in the Cat's mind they wander through the Hells of Asura. They will slash and bite at everything in sight be they friend or for. When the Rage finally abates, the Bagheera falls into a coma like sleep for a minimum of four hours.

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