Megan Hamilton
The Golden Sphinx - The Keeper of Secrets
“It is no easy task to win the friendship of a cat... he does not bestow his regard lightly, and, though he may consent to be your companion, he will never be your slave.”
Theophile Gautier 'La Menagerie Intine'

Past Aliases: Megumi, Megan Hamilton-Stinger
Age: 30 human years - Immortal
Status: It's complicated
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Gray blue in all forms but Crinos & Judho
Race: Bastet
Tribe: Bagheera
Breed: Snow Leopard
Bastet Rank: Bon Bhat
Pyrios: Twilight
Feline - Snow leopard, 2 feet tall at shoulder, 6.5 feet long. Tail counts for 40 inches of her length. 120 pounds.
Chatro - Sabre tooth snow leopard, 4 feet tall at shoulder, 6 foot length with a much shorter stubby like tail. 500 pounds, 15 inch long canines.
Homid - 5 foot 6 inches in height, 110 pounds.
Sotko - Anthro form with white hair, not blond, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds.
Crinos - Anthro form on steroids. 9 feet tall, 650 pounds. Red eyes.
Judho: Crinos on steriods. 12 feet tall, 6 arms all carrying different weapons made of flame. Red eyes
Leopard Seal: 11 feet long, 1,000 pounds.
Winged Forms: Able to bring wings to all but leopard seal form
Hybrid Gryphon - Snow Leopard: 12 feet at shoulder

"Cats always know if someone likes or dislkes them. They do not always care to do anything about it."
Winfred Carriere
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"
Robert A.Heinlein
"In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have never forgotten this."
Terry Pratchett

"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of human kind"
Cleveland Amory