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Powers & gifts from the Goddess Reisha

"The problem with cats is that they can get the exact same look on their face whether they see a moth, or an axe-murderer"

Paula Poundstone

From the early days of their 'friendship, before Reisha ascended to the Goddess she is now, the woman had a plan in mind for Megan. Reisha did not reveal her ideas to Megan right away, and the plans were not put into motion until after Reisha attained her godhood. She saw in Megan great potential to become more than her race alone would allow her to be. To make her unique among the strongest of all Bastet. it was something that Megan very much desired. Immortality, and most of all, she wished to have her allergy to silver removed, after nearly being killed by silver weapons, twice.


Of course, there are prices for such things.

Megan willingly paid them. Renouncing her old gods and pledging her heart and soul to Reisha, the work was begun to alter Megan and make her the Goddess's Eternal Companion, and eventually her bonded Mate.


A series of elixirs were made by Reisha, made of several ingredients which included a small amount of the very essence of the Goddess, and what she called soul wines. Each elixir was made with a soul distilled from a race that had certain powers and qualities for Megan to 'absorb' and grant her some of that races abilities. It was a bit of a chance, for there was no guarantee exactly which new powers and abilities, if any, she would gain from each of the three elixirs.


There was also no guarantee the Bastet would even survive the endeavor. Megan, however, had faith in her Goddess and willingly did all that was asked of her.





The first elixir contained the soul of a Selkie. This gave Megan the ability to be a much better swimmer, and able to hold her breath longer while swimming in human form. The Selkies ability to call storms at sea and sink large ships meshed perfectly with her Bastet gift to call or disperse storms. But the most surprising alteration was that Megan was able to take a new animal form. She gained the ability to take on the form of a leopard seal.


The second elixir was that of a Treant. from this elixir Megan was able to will her flesh to be hard as an oak tree, and it granted her the ability to control plant life, as well as increasing her ability to 'feel' the earth, and as an extra surprise, she was able to not only locate and feel ley lines, but tap into them when she needed extra power. This was the elixir that also caused her to lose her allergy to silver.


The third elixir was that of a Tengu soul. This was the elixir that gave Megan her immortality and further increased her ability to control weather and to now call the winds without having to call a full blown storm. Due to this soul, after many years of practice and training, she was able to call forth wings to all her forms. She is also able to take a true Tengue form, and a unique hybrid form that is half Gryphon with the back half of a snow leopard.

2018 Update:  After falling from the grace of Reisha's favor as Mate and High Priestess, it is said that Reisha removed the souls of those three she had consumed and eaten, which gave her immortality, removed her allergy to silver, and allowed her new powers and forms. While Megan is unsure if she is immortal at this point, she more than likely still is, as she is still no longer allergic to silver and still maintains her new forms and the knowledge she gained from those souls, for they mixed with Megan's soul to strongly they cannot be separated.


After all, being a Goddess does not mean all that you attempt to do actually works nor can you undo what has already been done and had years to set in.

Keeping her dead, if one can manage to kill her, will also not work. Megan took the Bastet Rite of Nine Lives long before she met the Goddess, and long before her alterations.

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